DTM Examples- Products

Let's say I want to implement s.products in DTM, using a W3C-standard data layer. My fictional cart has three items in it:

First, to set up the data layer, I might guide the developers to include products in their data layer, as an array. I went ahead and added this data layer to the current page, so later on you can follow along in a developer console if you'd like. My data layer looks like this, with my overall cart data at the top and my individual items in an array:

digitalData.cart = {
  cartID: "306702397", 
      cartTotal: "72.59",
      voucherCode: "", //promo code
      voucherDiscount: "" //promo amount
  	//product 1 example: shipped      
      	basePrice: "2.97"
          sku: "100087613", 
          productName: "Green Wug",
          fulfillmentMethod: "shipped" 
  	//product 2 example: pickup     
      	basePrice: "36.94"
          sku: "204642286", 
          productName: "Blue Wug",
          fulfillmentMethod: "pick up in store", 
          fulfillmentStore: "101" 
  	//product 3 example: on backorder
      	basePrice: "29.98"
          sku: "203202930", 
          productName: "Red Wug",
          fulfillmentMethod: "backorder"

Then in DTM, I have logic that loops through that to create the products string. This must be in the custom code- generally I find it easiest to do in the rule's custom code for that page.

I'm going to use a javascript FOR loop to look at each item in my array and build a products string from it. On a product view or a cart view page, all the products string needs is ";SKU", so I will loop through my products array to extract the sku, and append it to my s.products string, along with the leading semi-colon and a trailing comma (which sets up the string for further products, if needed, and doesn't cause any harm if it isn't needed.)

s.prodList=[]; //define the variable array to prevent errors

  for (var i=0;i<digitalData.cart.item.length;i++){

  _satellite.notify(s.prodList.join(","),1)//for debugging purposes, to run for each loop

The purchase page, which includes units and revenue, takes it one step further, to create ";SKU;UNITS;PRICE" :

s.prodList=[]; //define the variable array to prevent errors

for (var i=0;i<digitalData.cart.item.length;i++){

  _satellite.notify(s.prodList.join(","),1)//for debugging purposes, to run for each loop

And if I need merchandising eVars, like for "fulfillment method" in eVar8, I might do the following. Things are getting more complicated, so I'm going to split things out a tad more.

s.prodList=[]; //define the variable to prevent errors

for (var i=0;i<digitalData.cart.item.length;i++){ 
  var prodSku=digitalData.cart.item[i].productInfo.sku;
  var prodQuantity=digitalData.cart.item[i].quantity;
  var prodPrice=digitalData.cart.item[i].price.basePrice;
  var prodMethod=digitalData.cart.item[i].productInfo.fulfillmentMethod;


  _satellite.notify(s.prodList.join(","),1)//for debugging purposes, to run for each loop

The above would create the following products string:

s.products=";100087613;1;2.97;;eVar8=shipped,;204642286;3;39.64;;eVar8=pick up in store,;203202930;1;29.98;;eVar8=backorder"

Or, with prettier formatting:

;204642286;3;39.64;;eVar8=pick up in store,

Take a look in a debugger to see if it worked!