Exciting News: Self-Employment!

Bilbo Going on an Adventure

I’ve finally made the leap, and am now consulting as my own independent entity. I’ve worked at many wonderful consulting agencies over the years and happily still have a good relationship with each of them, but for some time now I’ve wanted to move more and more into building products. Unfortunately, thus far no one has wanted to hire me as a junior Product Manager or Developer for anywhere near the same salary I’ve been getting as a Principal Consultant, so in order to pursue my product dreams, I needed to reduce my commitment to consulting and find a more flexible arrangement.
I will continue consulting, because I want to stay informed and have current practical experience with implementation (plus I got to keep paying my bills). But without an agency as a “go between”, I can work fewer billable hours and have more time to work on products and projects. Don’t get me wrong: agencies as a “go between” provide a lot of value: I won’t pretend to not be daunted by marketing, sales contracts, benefits and taxes. But thus far, it’s been a great growing experience for me. And I’m lucky to have a very supportive network as I branch into the unknown.

So now I have a chance to work on some other projects, like fixing up/modernizing the beacon parser, and other projects I’ll post about shortly (stay tuned!) I’ll also continue working with Cognetik for a few exciting initiatives they have going on, so you will see me on their blog still occasionally. And there are some other agencies I’m eager to work with still if it doesn’t interfere with my product dreams, so this may or may not last long.

I already have a good amount of independent work to keep me busy for the next few months, so this post isn’t me necessarily soliciting for more work (unless you happen to have the PERFECT project for me, in which case, let’s talk!) But if you want to talk about products and opportunities, please reach out! I’m now at jenn@digitalDataTactics.com.

Coming to Adobe Summit 2017

adobe-su-1024x454I’ll be at Adobe Summit in Las Vegas next week, Monday March 19th through Friday March 24th. If you happen to be out that way, shoot me a comment here and hopefully we can meet up! I’ll be attending a lot of the DTM sessions and will be ready to help folks understand what the DTM updates mean for them.
I’ll also be presenting at Un-Summit at UNLV on Monday, speaking about Marketing Innovation and Cognetik’s new tableau data connector. Come check it out!

Career changes and exciting opportunities


In an unexpected surprise for many (including myself) a few weeks ago I left Adobe and joined the team at Cognetik as a Principal Analytics Engineer. I’ll continue doing much of the same kind of work I’ve been doing- Analytics (now including Google Analytics again), Tag Management (not just DTM), data layers, governance, coding, building occasional tools on the side… the full gamut.

I love the team (and the products) at Adobe, and it wasn’t easy leaving them, but I’m content that in such a small industry, I’m bound to work with many of them again. And I’m very excited about this new opportunity: Cognetik is doing some incredible work for some exciting clients, and I’m thrilled to be in a position to offer a lot of value to my clients.

I’m also excited to be a part of the team building the Cognetik Product, a data visualization and insights tool that is unlike any other I’ve seen or worked with. I’ll be keeping up the blog, of course, and my various DTM enablement materials. I’m also on the #measure slack channel.

For those who I know because of my role at Adobe, it was a great experience, and I hope to stay in touch! Here’s to working in a fantastic and ever-evolving industry, full of smart, passionate people finding new ways to answer old questions.