Adobe DTM Launch: Improvements for Single Page Apps

For those following the new release of Adobe’s DTM, known as Launch, I have a new blog post up at the Cognetik blog, cross-posted below:

It’s finally here! Adobe released the newest version of DTM, known as “Launch”. There are already some great resources out there going over some of the new features (presumably including plenty of “Launchey Launch” puns), which includes:

  • Extensions/Integrations
  • Better Environment Controls/Publishing Flow
  • New, Streamlined Interface

But there is one thing I’ve been far more excited about than any other: Single Page App compatibility. I’ve mentioned on my personal blog some of the problems the old DTM has had with Single Page Apps:

  • Page Load Rules (PLRs) can’t fire later than DOMready
  • Event-Based Rules (EBRs) and Direct Call Rules (DCRs) can’t “stack” (unlike PLRs, there’s a 1:1 ratio between rules and analytics beacons, so you can’t have one rule set your global variables, and another set section-specific variable, and another set page-specific variables, and have them all wrap into a single beacon)
  • It can be difficult to fire s.clearVars at the right place (and impossible without some interesting workarounds)
  • Firing a “Virtual Page Load” EBR at the right time (after your data layer has updated, for instance) can be tricky.

So much of this is solved with the release of DTM Launch.

  • You can have one rule that fires EITHER on domReady OR on a trigger (Event-based or Direct Call).
  • You have a way to fire clearVars.
  • You can add conditions/exclusions to Direct Call rules

There are other changes coming that will improve things even further, but for now, these changes are pretty significant for Single Page apps.

Multiple Triggers on a Single Rule

If I have a Single Page App, I’ll want to track when the user first views a page, the same as for a “traditional” non-App page. So if I’m setting EBRs or DCRs for my “Virtual Page Views”, I’d need to account for this “Traditional Page Load” page view for the user’s initial entry to my app.
In the past, I’d either have a Page Load Rule do this (if I could be sure my Event-Based Rules wouldn’t also run when the page first loaded), or I could do all my tracking with Event-Based Rules, and I’d have to suppress that initial page view beacon. I may end up with an identical set of rules- one for when my page truly loads, and one for “Virtual Page Views”.

Now, I can do this in a single rule:

Where my “Core- Page Bottom” event fires when the page first loads (like an old Page Load Rule):

…and another “Page Name Changed” event that fires when my “page name” Data Element changes (like an old Event-Based Rule):

No more need to keep separate sets of rules for Page Load Rules and Virtual page views!

Clearing variables with s.clearVars()

Anyone who has worked on a Single Page App, or on any Adobe Analytics implementation with multiple s.t() beacons on a single DOM, has felt the pain of variables carrying over from beacon to beacon. Once an “s” variable (like s.prop1) exists on the page, it will hang around and be picked up by any subsequent page view beacon on that page.

Page 1

Page 2

Page 3

Page 4



Search Results

PDP > Red Wug

Product List





s.eVar1 (search term)


Red Wug

Red Wug

Red Wug

My pageName variable is fine because I’m overwriting it on each page, but my Search Term eVar value is hanging around past my Search Results page! And on pages where I don’t write a new events string, the most recent event hangs around!

In the old DTM, I had a few options for solving this. I could do some bizarre things to daisy-chain DCRs to make sure I could get the right order of setting variables, firing beacons, then clearing variables. Or, I could use a hack in the “Custom Code” conditions of an Event-Based Rule, to ensure s.clearVars would run before I started setting beacons. Or, more recently, I could use s.registerPostTrackCallback to run the s.clearVars function after the s_code detected an s.t function was called.

Now, it’s as simple as specifying that my rule should set my variables, then send the beacon, then clear my variables:

Directly in the rule- no extra rules, no custom code, no workarounds!

Rule Conditions on ALL Rule Types (including Direct Call)

If I were using Direct Call Rules for my SPA, in the past, I’d have to account for Direct Call Rules having a 1:1 relationship with their trigger. If I had some logic I needed to fire on Search Results pages, and other logic to fire on Purchase Confirmation pages, I could have my developers fire a different “_satellite.track” function on every page:

Then in each of those rules, I’d maintain all my global variables as well as any logic specific to that beacon. This could be difficult to maintain and introduces extra work and many possible points of failure for developers.

Or, I could have my developers fire a global _satellite.track(“page view”) on every page, and in that one rule, maintain a ridiculous amount of custom code like this:

This would take me entirely out of the DTM interface, and make some very code-heavy rules (not ideal for end-user page performance, or for DTM user experience — here’s hoping your developer leaves nice script comments!)

Now, I can still have my developers set a single _satellite.track(“page view”) (or similar), and set a myriad of rules in Launch, each using that same “page view” trigger, but each with a condition so you can set different variables in different rules directly in the interface when your developers fire _satellite.track(“page view”) on your Search Results versus when they fire _satellite.track(“page view”) on your Purchase Confirmation page:

I’d love to say all my SPA woes were solved with this release, but to show I haven’t entirely drunk the Kool-aid, I will admit some of my most wished-for features (and extensions) aren’t in this first release of Launch. I know they’re coming, though- future releases of Launch will add additional features that will make implementing on a Single Page App even simpler, but for now, it still feels like Christmas came early this year.

Coming to Adobe Summit 2017

adobe-su-1024x454I’ll be at Adobe Summit in Las Vegas next week, Monday March 19th through Friday March 24th. If you happen to be out that way, shoot me a comment here and hopefully we can meet up! I’ll be attending a lot of the DTM sessions and will be ready to help folks understand what the DTM updates mean for them.
I’ll also be presenting at Un-Summit at UNLV on Monday, speaking about Marketing Innovation and Cognetik’s new tableau data connector. Come check it out!