Career changes and exciting opportunities


In an unexpected surprise for many (including myself) a few weeks ago I left Adobe and joined the team at Cognetik as a Principal Analytics Engineer. I’ll continue doing much of the same kind of work I’ve been doing- Analytics (now including Google Analytics again), Tag Management (not just DTM), data layers, governance, coding, building occasional tools on the side… the full gamut.

I love the team (and the products) at Adobe, and it wasn’t easy leaving them, but I’m content that in such a small industry, I’m bound to work with many of them again. And I’m very excited about this new opportunity: Cognetik is doing some incredible work for some exciting clients, and I’m thrilled to be in a position to offer a lot of value to my clients.

I’m also excited to be a part of the team building the Cognetik Product, a data visualization and insights tool that is unlike any other I’ve seen or worked with. I’ll be keeping up the blog, of course, and my various DTM enablement materials. I’m also on the #measure slack channel.

For those who I know because of my role at Adobe, it was a great experience, and I hope to stay in touch! Here’s to working in a fantastic and ever-evolving industry, full of smart, passionate people finding new ways to answer old questions.

Worthy TED watch: A Moral Operating System

At TEDx Conference in Silicon Valley, Damon Horowitz (who recently joined Google as In-House Philosopher / Director of Engineering, heading development of several initiatives involving social and search) reviews the enormous new powers that technology gives us: to know more — and more about each other — than ever before.

A deep-dive into the ethics and philosophy behind the power of data.

The video is a bit long (around 16 minutes) but worth the watch if it gets you thinking.